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Hoi An Museum | Hoi An Museum
* Address: No.129 Tran Phu street, Minh An ward
* Historical events:
This house still preserves almost intact the architectural style of an old house in Hoi An. The house marked important revolutionary events in Hoi An and Quang Nam province.
At the beginning of the 20th century, anti-French movements were launched across the country, and Hoi An was also one of the places in Quang Nam Province that quickly responded to this movement. At that time, Duc An house became a popular place for progressive literature and spreading patriotic books to the people. In early 1927, after the widespread dissemination of Marxism-Leninism in Vietnam, communist organizations such as the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association were widely born, operated and developed.
In October 1927, the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association in Hoi An was established here, consisting of 3 comrades, led by Comrade Phan Them (ie Cao Hong Lanh) as its Secretary. Duc An house was used by the Association as a headquarters for operations, hiding secret documents. In March 1929,as the number of people participating in the association continued to increase and association activities were widely carried out in the province, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association decided to establish a temporary provincial committee of the Quang Nam Revolutionary Youth Association in Hoi An. This event also took place at Duc An house.

In the early 1930s, the national revolutionary movements flourished. Duc An house was the place where the dissolution of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association in Hoi An was discussed to promote the establishment of a Communist Party in Quang Nam. On March 28, 1930, the Provisional Provincial Committee of Quang Nam Province was established in Hoi An. Duc An house became a liaison office and held meetings. From 1931 to 1934, the French colonialists and their lackeys actively suppressed and persecuted the revolutionary movement across the country. At that time, the Party's activities in Hoi An faced many difficulties.
In 1934, the enemy searched here and found some foreign language documents. The enemy accused the owner of the house (comrade Phan Them) of being a communist and ordered his arrest, but he escaped and they had to sentence him in absentia to 15 years in prison. Since then, Duc An house is no longer the liaison office of the party organization.